Monthly Archives: June 2013

Quotable snippets 0

This chapter has so many quotable snippets. From verse 6 being used all over children’s ministry to financial ministries pounding verses 7 & 26 into your head. The real themes in the chapter are patience, humility, honesty, and coachability. All in all, there are so many applicable take aways for this chapter, but my biggest of the day has been learn to be more open to hearing the wisdom of the wise, and let them coach you.

Proverb Power Launches 0

After holding on to the domain name for several years, I finally got around to spinning up a site.  This site will be a creative playground for new web technologies, and will center around reading from the book of proverbs on a daily basis.  For now I’ll probably post some morning thoughts/reflections on the day’s reading.  From time to time, I may link out other sources of good study tools or background information on the day’s reading.  And by day’s reading I mean the chapter that matches the day on the calendar – example, today is June 21st, 2013, thus the reading comes from proverbs 21.